Sunday 6 November 2016

पूछ लो...

अपनी परछाइयों से आज पूछ लो 
ये जिस्म की क्या सच्चाई है
कल दफ़्न है जिसने होना 
उससे क्यूँ तूने नीयत लगायी है 

आइने में दिखते उस अक्स से पूछ लो
इस ख़ूबसूरती की क्या क़ीमत लगायी है
आज तुझे पाना है जिसे 
कल हिजाब में वही सूरत छुपाई है

नींद में बड़बड़ाते उन वादों से पूछ लो
यहाँ सच बोलने की मनाही है 
ना खेलो इतना भी ना मुझसे
तुझे बस खुदाई की दुहाई है ।


इक सन्नाटा सा है चारों और 
इक आग सी लगी है 
क्यूँ बेरुख़ी सी है हवाओ में
रहम की फ़रियाद सी लगी है 

क्यूँ आता है कोई 
मंज़िलों को छोड़ के 
क्यूँ किसी की रास्तों में
आवाज़ ही नहीं है 

क्यूँ लिखता है कोई
हज़ारों गीत इश्क़ में
क्यूँ किसी के लिए
अल्फ़ाज़ की कमी है

क्यूँ कोई जी गया
तेरी यादों के सहारे से
क्यूँ कैफ़-ए-जावेदाँ में
बस मौत की कमी है ।

Saturday 5 November 2016

झूठी थी...

वो तेरे इश्क़ के फरमान झूठे थे
वो बेवफ़ाई के इनकार झूठे थे
वो दुनिया को सुनाए फसाने  झूठे थे
वो बीत गये जो रोते-हस्ते वो ज़माने झूठे थे

वो कहते हैं कि इश्क़ की रूह मे सच्ची इबाब्दात है
जो सबसे उपर महबूब को रखे, वही सच्ची मोहब्बत है
पर तेरे लिए मुझसे बढ़ कर तेरी खुदाई थी
तुझे उसके लिए मंज़ूर मेरी जुदाई थी

वो तेरे इश्क़ का रूप झूठा था
मेरे आने से दिखता तेरे चेहरे का नूर झूठा था
वो तेरे इश्क़ का जुनून झूठा था
वो सुकून झूठा था

वो इश्क़ की आतिज़्बाज़ी मे
हम झूम-२ के कहते थे
बस रूप तेरा हे सच्चा है
बस इश्क़ तेरा हे सच्चा है
वो तेरे इश्क़ मे दिखती रहनूमाई झूठी थी
वो तेरी सच्चाई झूठी थी
और मेरा इश्क़ भी तेरा अक्स-ए-मोहब्बत था
तो मेरे इश्क़ की सच्चाई
क्या वो भी झूठी थी...??

Thursday 20 October 2016

Just Because..

How I am closed inside?
I cannot move
I cannot say a word
For few days I haven't eaten.
Because my mother hasn't
She has been crying
I can feel it too.
I want to tell her no mother don't cry
But I don't know the reason why,
You are crying
And I have heard words...
Words that I don't quite understand,
But they make me feel unwanted.
I think they are going to kill me.
That's why my mother cries
And I heard what she says,
"How many times are you going to kill a child inside my womb just because she is a girl?"

Tuesday 18 October 2016

I wish...

Lost and confused, I didn't know what to tell you. I'm married to someone who doesn't love me which is fine. I don't love you too. We never met before marriage and none of us decided to talk to each other as well.Surprising, yeah!! I was alright with my parent's choice and you.. I don't know what went through your mind when you said yes.
Now that I spent this night with you I realized you are a broken heart, grieving the loss of your beloved who lost her life in an accident. Why I married you, well because I was tired of all the pressures I had on me for marriage. Probably you did it for the same reason. You were kind enough to tell me why you aren't interested in me. Why this marriage will not give me what I must have dreamt of. But I didn't have any dreams as such. I expected things to be regular, to have same things to be happy about and same things to be sad about like other couples but this is challenging. Last night you said "I wish I could tell you how I feel". I sympathize with your loss but no, I don't want to know how you feel, I never want to feel that pain. Instead I want you to feel how I feel. I want you to forget that pain and remember me. I want you to like me as a friend if not love me like a lover. So I say "I wish we could both feel something same which gives both of us happiness"...

Monday 17 October 2016

Warmth of lost love

find myself covered in the white shawl gifted by you. You knew I like white. I always have. Half of the things gifted by you are white. When I see them I cherish the memories of the time when they were gifted to me. Every single time, it was a surprise a lovely one, a reminder how much you love me and how much you think of me, when we meet after a gap of few weeks. As I walk in these hilly mountains this shawl keeps my body warm and your thoughts keep my heart warm. The departure of a loved one keeps your heart warm and empty at the same time. As the memories make the way out in the form of water from eyes, they also make you cherish them at the same time. As the time passes, you realize that lost love doesn’t make you weak but makes you stronger, that you realize its place, as the time passes. That love makes its place in the deep part of the heart, to give you comfort and solace, a place no one can access, not even you at times. I find myself covered in the white shawl gifted by you. You’re here by not being here and I don’t need you anymore. I have also reached some other place in my memories and love, with the same warmth in a different way.

Thursday 13 October 2016

That someone.

In a relationship you'd hardly find someone who loves you without ego, who'd do anything for you, without thinking. So you want to save yourself from opening up to anyone. You create a wall. You don't want to loose yourself. You want to take as much time as possible to lower all the barriers, or not lower them at all. When he is the right one, after few stupid attempts you don't know what to do but to give up, break the wall and let him enter your world.
You realize how much comfortable it is to make him part of your inner most world. He makes you very happy. For everything he has done, you love him so much in return that he would never regret loving you like that. That's what gives a perfect relationship. Does that exist? Yes it does. Does everyone find it? Sadly, no. Some of us are not that lucky. We have to match ourselves to what is available.
Give yourself fully to someone is stupidity and you continue to live in the world of matched interests, financial standing and castes and assume that they will let you find the one. In all these illusions you live and die until you meet someone, That someone.

Yes I feel the pain

Yes I feel the pain
I feel it moving thru my spine
I feel it running thru my gains
Yes I feel the pain

I know the light is in the room
But I see the darkness at the end of  it
I know all the streetlights were exhumed throughout this lane
Yes I feel the pain

I know the flood
I have seen cities vanish in the storms
I know my fire was exhausted because of rain
Yes I feel the pain

Love and more

I was married straight out of college. When other girls giggled at the sight of boys (I was in girls college), I had my marriage preparations going on. I was 21 married to a man of 40. I had many expectations and so many thoughts about being with someone. Baba told me he is well read and has a stable job and he is not old also. He looked good I agree, much younger to his age. I also agreed. My friends thought of me as crazy. My best friend said "Mala tumi khoob sundar, why are you marrying a guy double your age?" And I told her age is just a number.
He met me before marriage. Told me he was married earlier and his wife died within first year of marriage. It was a love marriage and he didn't want to marry again. Now because of his mothers insistence he is ready to marry me but he wanted to know if I want the same. I had nothing to say. I told him baba has chosen him and I have no reason to protest. 
I was married in a fortnight. He had a good house. Just him and his mother. They treated me well. His house had a lot of books. He was a professor of history and political science. Mostly the conversations we had were related to these areas. I didn't have any particular interests. I liked music and practiced Rabindrasangeet on my own. 
The discussions with him increased my interest in history and I used his library during free hours of afternoon to read and study. After few months on his mothers insistence we had our first child and in few years our second child. Apart from that he never slept in our room. 
Today after 9 years of marriage, I look back. Things have been good. Baba was right. My husband was good to me and provided for everything I can ask for. We have better than decent living and both my children are happy and healthy. 
He never pressurized me for anything. He let me do what I want. He never spoke to me badly, honestly he spoke less with me and he became more distant with time but he is a good father. He helps out children with studies, after all he is a professor. 
But There is something missing. I can't say what. I feel empty. I have tried to increase my circle, made friends, read more, learn new skills, worked few years as well. Nothing really helped me. I have everything still I search for something. The feeling of not being loved, not needed by your partner. I'm old enough to understand it's not what my body needs. It's something deeper that I want from him. I wonder if it's because he's older or he loved someone else that we can't connect. Or because I'm too young and immature to not understand his love. While I have everything that a girl can expect from marriage and still I want that companionship, that love.. that feeling of togetherness. So I ask myself you can't ask for everything, can you?

Saturday 8 October 2016


To see you in my dream
Unasked uninvited
Leaves a taste of sadness 
On my lips
Things which had happened with you
Today I'm doing alone
Reminds me of everything 
We have done
And then the dreams
Demands everything unfulfilled 

Monday 12 September 2016

Bluff yourself?

Some memories are strong
They do not fade away
Even though years pass
There still remain in your way

You know you cannot move on
As they are holding your path
You try to move past them
But you know you're living in aftermath

You work on your memory
Try to make it weak
These memories still remain strong
While everything else seems bleak

You keep on walking to continue your journey
Hoping one day the distance will be big enough
But you should still know reality
To your own self you cannot bluff!

तेरी दीवानगी

तेरे एहसास में ऐसे जी लेते हैं
तू हो या ना हो
तेरे इश्क़ का नशा चख लेते हैं 
तू ना आए मेरे पास 
तो तेरी यादों को खींच लाते हैं 
यूँ तो तुझे देखे बिना दिन नही कटते
तेरा दीदार ना हो जब महीनो से 
तेरी तस्वीर ही देख के
अपनी आँखें भींच लेते हैं 

कभी इस ज़ुनून-ए-इश्क़ को
अपनी आदत बना लेते हैं 
तो कभी अपने ग़म को 
काग़ज़ पे उतार लेते हैं 
क्या ख़ूब है ये शायरी भी 
तेरी दीवानगी हो या तन्हाई-ए-इश्क़ 
हर हाल में इसी का साथ माँग लेते हैं 

जाते जाते छोड़ गए...

जाते जाते छोड़ गए
अपने कुछ दोस्तों को 
आँखों में बेठे हैं
तेरी याद बड़ा दिलाते हैं
एक बार जो तेरा नाम भी ले लूँ 
फट से बाहर आजाते हैं 
जाते जाते छोड़ गए 
अपने कुछ दोस्तों को 
बड़े वफ़ादार हैं ये 
किसी और को देखे तो 
सारा राज खोल देते हैं 
बता देते हैं तुम एक ज़रिया हो
दिल में कोई और है 
जाते जाते छोड़ गए 
अपने कुछ दोस्तों को 
कभी कभी तेरी बातें भी इनसे कर लेती हूँ
सभी पलों को याद करके 
साथ में मुस्कुरा लेते हैं 
जाते जाते छोड़ गए 
अपने कुछ दोस्तों को 
आँखो में बेठे हैं 
तेरी याद बड़ा दिलाते हैं 


There has to come a time
When I move on
When I forget you
When I do not think of you

There has to come a time
When time heals the wounds
When I don't think of you
When I don't become sad
Thinking of you

There has to come a time
I am living my life in that hope
When you are not part of me anymore
When all my feelings are enveloped

Thursday 8 September 2016

You were there!

You were there
To take care of my,
Every whim and fancy
To do for me, more than I needed
To give me happiness and ecstasy 

You were there 
To see everything I ever wanted 
Help me reach what I couldn't see 
Guide me to every success horse to be mounted 

You were there 
To see my fears in my eyes
When I pretended to be happy
But I was nothing but bag of cries

You were there 
When I came with a new stupid demand
You said I'll do everything for you
I'm, my love in your remand 

You were there 
To find more things to make me happy
You pampered me like a princess 
And do what I asked for, gladly

You were there 
To fulfill my every unfulfilled dream
Then you left like it wasn't true 
And I'm still living in that dream!

Without the Gloves!

It's funny 
How you want to talk
And everytime you try
You're sent on a walk
To hopeless places
To nameless streets
To empty faces
Without greets
It's amusing
When you try to come near
And burn the bridges 
You're not allowed to close the distance
You're asked to fly or swim
It's mocking 
When you want to make things right 
When you want to show love
You're asked to commit a murder 
Without wearing the gloves!

टूटे दिल से.....

कभी पूछते हैं अपने आप से
कि तुझे पाना भी चाहतें हैं 
या इस टूटे दिल से लगाव हो गया है?

तेरे बारे में ही सोचना 
उन पलों को बेहिसाब जीना 
ग़म में मुस्कुरा के 
ये क़लम उठा लेना 
और मन में सोचना
कि शायद तू भी पढ़ रहा है 
मेरे ज़ख़्मों पे हंस रहा है 
उन दर्दों में तू भी दर्द सह रहा है 
फिर पूछते हैं तुझसे 
कही टूटे दिल से लगाव हो गया है?

वो तेरे इश्क़ का पागलपन
वो तेरी ना में भी छुपा प्यार 
वो कभी मेरे बारे में सोचना 
वो मान लेना ये जीत है ना हार
क्यूँ लेते हैं मज़ा ऐसे क़िस्सों में
इसीलिए ख़ुद से पूछते हैं
क्या इस टूटे दिल से लगाव हो गया है?

जी लिया करते हैं

कभी जलते हैं इश्क़ में 
कभी ठंडी छांव में रहते हैं
कभी मरते हैं घुट घुट के 
और कभी 
जी लिया करते हैं 

कभी आते है दर पे तेरे 
कभी चुप चाप निकल जाते हैं 
कभी माँगते हैं तुझे दुआओ में 
कभी अल्लाह पे छोड़ दिया करते हैं 
कभी मरते हैं तेरी याद में 
पर अक्सर 
जी लिया करते हैं 

कभी माँगते हैं तुझे ख़ुद से
कभी अल्लाह से दुआ करते हैं 
कभी कहते हैं यक़ीन है अपने इश्क़ पे 
और काफ़िर हुआ करते हैं 
कभी मरते हैं इन ख़्वाहिशों के बोझ से 
और कभी 
जी लिया करते हैं 

कभी पाते हैं तुम्हें ख़्वाबों में 
तो कभी खुलीं आँखों से देख लेते हैं 
तेरे ज़िक्र भी आए ज़हन में
तो अपने अंदर समेत लेते हैं 
कभी तेरी याद में ऐसे आहें लेते हैं 
कि मर ही जायें
पर अक्सर 
जी लिया करते हैं 

Wednesday 7 September 2016

भूल गए।

उलझे हुए मन से 
एक सवाल पूछा मैंने 
क्यूँ चाहता है 
जो चाहता है 
मन भी बवाला है 
बोला बस जो अच्छा लगता है 
वही तो माँगता हूँ
सब को ख़ुशी दे कर 
प्यार दे कर
मन का बाग़ भी भरना चाहता हूँ
फिर क्यूँ नहीं आती सुबह 
फिर क्यूँ नहीं जागता ईमान है 
लाखों दवाख़ाने हैं मेरे चारों ओर 
फिर भी ये मन क्यूँ बीमार है 
आदत सी है डूब जाने की 
बर्बादियो के जाम में 
कोई उनका ज़िक्र करे तो हम इबादत करें 
भूल गए कौन वो
अल्लाह है राम है ।।

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Ask myself!

Just want to lie down
On the grass
Look at the clouds above
And talk to myself
Answer the questions for myself
What's up?
What's happening?
What's new?
And I want to answer these questions
Ask my opinion
What would I suggest to me 
If I were in the same situation as me
Still looking at the sky
Lying in the grass!

Monday 5 September 2016

Yes I feel the pain

Yes I feel the pain
I feel it moving thru my spine
I feel it running thru my gains
Yes I feel the pain

I know the light is in the room
But I see the darkness at the end of  it
I know all the streetlights were exhumed throughout this lame
Yes I feel the pain

I know the flood
I have seen cities vanish in the storms
I know my fire was exhausted because of rain!
Yes I feel the pain

Thursday 1 September 2016

दर्द में भी अपना एक मज़ा है

दर्द में भी अपना एक मज़ा है
बेठे बेठे दीवार को ताकना
ख़ुद के बालों में ऊँगली फिराना
और वो सभी कुछ करना जो बेवजह है
दर्द में भी अपना एक मज़ा है

कभी सोचते हुए आँखें छलक जाना 
कभी उन्ही यादों पर बेफ़िक्र मुस्कुराना 
क्या इस में उस ऊपर वाले की रज़ा है
दर्द में भी अपना एक मज़ा है

यूँ बार बार उन पुराने ख़तों को पढ़ना
यूँ तेरे साथ होते तो, ऐसे क़िस्से गढ़ना
क्या मेरा बेइंतहान इश्क़ ही मेरी सज़ा है 
दर्द में भी अपना एक मज़ा है

Wounded body!

All my scars are open
I do not have any words
There is a continuous silence
But there is a battle going on
The silent warriors are killing themselves
Because wars with screams are main painful
But screams or no screams
These wars open all the scars
You have been hiding for years
You assumed that they were cured
but every new wars open them
and you end up having a wounded body!

Monday 29 August 2016

Flight in the rains!

I made a flight in the rains
Against all odds
Against the powerful storm
Against all the pains
I made a flight in the rains
My wings were tired
They couldn't bear the strength of droplets
I thought there is nothing to loose
I knew there is something to gain
I made a flight in the rains
I didn't know my strength
Before I took the flight
Everyone said it's unsafe
I took this flight just to ascertain
I made a flight in the rains!

Saturday 20 August 2016


आज ख़ाली सी 
अकेली रात में
एक ख़याल आया तेरा
सोचा एक ख़त में लिख डालें
प्यार ये जज़्बात 
क्यूँ चाहते हैं तुझे
कहदें अपने हालात 
फिर चुन लेना तुम 
वो चमचमाते महल 
और वो आतिशबाज़ी
या फिर ये छोटा सा घर
और हमारी इश्कसाजी
मौक़े तो मिले हैं तुम्हें भी 
और मिलते रहेंगे 
तेरे हुस्न की इबादत में आशिक़ मिलते रहेंगे 
हम भी जलाए रखेंगे अपने इश्क़ का चिराग़ 
तू जाए भी तो ग़म ना करना 
हम अपने अरमानो की फटी चादर सिलते रहेंगे!

Sunday 17 July 2016


I sleep in the afternoon
Sleep evades me at night
I spend too much time in darkness 
Even a single light seems so bright

I get a lot of happiness
Then I don't see it for months
What I measured in few grams
I have to repay in tons

What I have today with me
I may not have it for years
While good thing go away soon
For long time pain I have to bear!

Saturday 16 July 2016

For you!

All my words came ready for you
My heart always melted for you
You never did anything bad to me
But even when you did
I wanted to change for you 

I was always hungry for you
I always felt for you
Even when nothing was happening 
I was always ready for you

My mind still hasn't changed
Which controls the rest of me
Even though you have moved on 
I will unwillingly, save this love for you!


Don't break me into pieces
Don't cut me into half
Don't look at me like that
Don't give me that laugh

Don't make me go weak
Don't make me go angry 
Don't let me loose my confidence 
Don't pretend that I'm free

Don't make this world a bad place
Don't make me regret this life
Don't make this an everyday struggle
Don't convert it into a strife!

Wednesday 13 July 2016


काश मेरे जाने पर मुझे रोक लिया होता

अपने लिए ना सही मेरे लिए किया होता
आज जब पलट कर देखते हैं तो सोचते हैं

काश वो पल ही हमने ना जिया होता।

Sunday 10 July 2016

Love you

I am gonna love you

Till the end of time

Whether you say you love me too

Or my request you decline


I am gonna love you

More than I have ever had

Whether the world thinks it sane

Or they say I have gone mad


I am gonna love you

Till I breathe my last breath

No one can take that away from me

Neither life nor death

Thursday 7 July 2016

अपने साथ हम हैं

तेरी जुदाई में जाने क्या क्या लिखते रहे 
अपनी क़लम को अपने ख़ून से भरते रहे 
तूने कहा मैं जानता नही 
हम तेरे इंतज़ार में घड़ियाँ गिनते रहे 

पर आज जो मैं सच जान गयी 
ये क़लम रुक गयी 
स्याही जैसे ख़त्म हो गयी 
ख़ून जैसे सूख सा गया 
लफ़्ज़ जैसे थम से गए 

तू जो नहीं है तो 
ज़िंदगी में ख़ालीपन तो है 
पर अब साँस लेने का दम है 
अब तेरी यादों के बिना 
अकेले नहीं अपने साथ "हम" हैं! 

Sunday 3 July 2016

एक शाम शायरी के नाम

अरसलान अहमद -
Ijazat ho agar Teri to fir ik baat main poochu...
Jo mjhse ishq seekha tha WO Ab tum kisse kartey ho...

प्रज्ञा जैन -
उसके अंदर
वो मुझे भी सिखा गया 
बस एक जवाब देदो 
जो मुझमें इतना प्यार जगाया 
उसका क्या करूँ
अरसलान अहमद -
बहोत अंदर तक तबाही मचा देता है,
वो एक अश्क़ जो बह नहीं पाता।।
प्रज्ञा जैन -
अश्क़ भी बहायें बहुत हैं तेरे लिए 
पर इस बार दिल पे ऐसी चोट लगी है 
की अशको का मरहम भी काफ़ी नही

अरसलान अहमद -
Bahut din se in aankhon ko yahi samjha raha hun main...
Ye duniya hai yahan to ik tamasha roz hota hai.....!!

प्रज्ञा जैन - 
उन हज़ारों तमाशों में एक तमाशा हमारा भी 
बच गए कि तेरी याद में बस जनाज़ा नही उठा

अरसलान अहमद - 
Wo Bewafa Hi Sahi, Us Pe Tohmatein Kaisi?
Zara Si Baat Pe Itna Fasaad Kya Karna?

प्रज्ञा जैन -
बात तो बड़ी है 
शायद उनके लिए आसान हो 
मेरी बात और है मैंने तो मोहब्बत की है। 

~एक बेहतरीन शायर अरसलान के साथ लिखे कुछ शेर 


जब जज़्बातों में उबाल आता है 
लफ़्ज़ों का जैसे जाल सा बन जाता है 
कलम जैसे रूकती नहीं काग़ज़ पर 
लिखते लिखते दिल का हाल बयान हो जाता है

मेरा यार.....

ये रात अभी भी बाक़ी है
ये चाँद भी आधा आधा है 
ये इश्क़ तेरा क्या थोड़ा है
या शायद ज़्यादा ज़्यादा है

तुम हाथ पकड़ के कहते हो
दिल की धड़कन क्यूँ तेज़ है 
मैंने भी दिल को थाम लिया
कैसा मेरा रंगेरेज़ है

आधी रातें और एक झलक 
ये कैसी सज़ा पायी है 
दीदार के सदके मैं जावा
मेरा यार दूध मलाई है!

Saturday 2 July 2016

Happy July!

Happy July full of flowers,
Smelling fresh every hour,
The rains and the smell of earth,
Everything is here, what is worth!

Happy July full of birds,
Singing  songs with beautiful chirps,
The green branches of the trees,
And flowers full of humming bees!

Happy July full of colours,
Rainbow in the sky; magic occurs,
The streets are wet and my eyes are bright
Everything I see around is a lovely sight

Happy July season of monsoon 
So many reasons to love and bloom,
I love the rains, love the views,
And when it stops, I find myself in every dew!

Written in collaboration with with Ashish Bharadwaj.
You can check his blog @

तेरा प्रेमी

तेरे मुख की आभा 
तेरी सुंदरता का प्रतीक है 
ये मन मैंने तुझसे लगाया है
तू ही मेरा मीत है 

तेरे बिना और कोई ना
बस तू ही मेरे समीप है 
तेरे प्यार ने दी है ये कैसी शक्ति
अब तेरा प्रेमी भी अभीक है 

तेरे बिना हर एक पल 
बेकरी में व्यतीत है 
तू ना आए तो हार मेरी 
तेरे साथ में ही जीत है

Monday 27 June 2016

तेरा ख़याल - मेरी नज़्म

मैं सोचते थी लिखने से शायद गम कम हो जाएगा
पर आज भी अपनी लिखी हर नज़्म को पढ़ के तेरा ख़याल आता है

और वो ख़याल इतना वाज़ेह है कि लगता है
जिन यादो को यादो के पटल से मिटाना चाहते थे
शब्दो मे ढाल के उन्हे अमर कर दिया है

फिर कैसे भूल जाउ तुम्हारी हर याद को
ओ बेवफा! क्यू तमाम उम्र मैने तुम्हारे लिए लिखा था!


ऐतबार है कुछ होगा
तुझे भी एक दिन
मेरे जाने का गुमा होगा
तू भी जानेगा कैसे लगता है
जब चाह कर भी प्यार ना मिले
तुझे  एक दिन मेरी हालत का पता होगा
तू भी किसी को चाहेगा
पर उसे तेरे इश्क़ की क़दर ना होगी
तब तेरे लिए भी जीना एक सज़ा होगा
ये सब कहके मैं सोचती हूँ
'गर तू भी तड़पा मेरी तरह
उसमें मेरा क्या मज़ा होगा?
मेरा तो ना हो सका तू
पर तू पा ले अपनी मोहब्बत
यही मेरे मर्ज़-ए-इश्क़की दवा होगा|

Sunday 26 June 2016

भूल गए!!

ख़ुदगर्ज़ी में हम बताना भूल गए 
हाँ ये सच है 
हम तुझे चाहना भूल गए 
बेदर्दी में हम देखते रहे 
तेरी आँख से गिरे आँसुओ को 
जब एहसास हुआ अपनी बदसलूकी का
तब हम तुझे सताना भूल गए
मुद्दत हो गयी किसी को गले से लगाए
आज जो वो पास आया तो जाना 
हम तो अपना इश्क़ भी जताना भूल गए 
जन्मो से बेठे हैं तेरे इंतज़ार में 
इस बार भी जाने किस बेहोशी में 
अपने नाम के आगे तेरा नाम लगाना भूल गए! 

A million lifetimes!

And words may never express

What I felt for you

What you're gonna miss 

What is it that I could do

But then I guess it won't matter

To do what's right or what's wrong 

I needed something like this

Maybe I waited too long

So everyone has their purpose

And it's takes time to realise

I know this relation is not of today

It was of million lifetimes!

Friday 24 June 2016


गए पागलपन के ज़माने वो
जब हमें इश्क़ हुआ करता था
उसका नाम सुनता ही
दिल कैसा बेचैन हुआ करता था 

गए पागलपन के ज़माने वो 
जब दिल में एक ही कशिश थी
तेरा दीदार ना हो तो लगता था
ये दुनिया की ही साज़िश थी 

गए पागलपन के ज़माने वो
दिल गुले बाहर हुआ करता था
हर साँस में ख़ुशबू थी
हर लफ़्ज़ दुआ करता था 

आज हम बड़े समझदार हैं
दुनिया को समझते हैं 
अब शमा में ही आग है 
ये परवाने कहाँ जलते हैं? 

If I had wings!

If I had wings
I would fly around
I would come to ground in between
I would let them make me stay
Make me remain here
But then I would fly
When I get time For myself
And I would come to ground in between
I would let them make me walk
Because then I would enjoy it more
If I had wings
I would be free
I would fly around

Tuesday 21 June 2016


वो कहते हैं ऐसे दोस्ती के क्या मायने हैं 
कल याद आयी थी हमारी 
आज वो भूल गए
वो कहते हैं ऐसे दोस्ती के क्या मायने हैं 
जो कभी दुःख में याद किया तो कभी भूल गए 
मैं कहती हूँ उनसे 
की क्यूँ चाहिए हर काम के लिए दोस्त 
मैं कहती हूँ उनसे
और भला कैसे सब कुछ देंगे तुम्हें दोस्त
पर अकेले का सहारा हैं 
ग़म में रमीं ज़िंदगी में
कुछ हँसी देते हैं दोस्त 
कुछ बेफ़िक्र सी घड़ियाँ देते हैं और
मन बदलने का ज़रिया हैं दोस्त 
अरे वो बचा लेते हैं ज़िंदगी को
और एक बार कह को तो देखो 
प्यार का भी दरिया हैं दोस्त ।।

Monday 20 June 2016


कभी कभी नींद भी अजीब खेल खेलती है
जब जानती है उसकी ज़्यादा ज़रूरत है तो आँखो से ओझल हो जाती है|

और मैं यहाँ  बेठा हूं तेरी महफ़िल में
तेरी राह मे बेठे बेठे तेरी उलफत और बढ़ जाती है|

तुम कहते तो कुछ भी कर जाते तुम्हारे लिए,
पर तुम्हे क्या लगा, ऐसे मुंह फेर लेने से क्या चाहत मर जाती है?


Stop haunting me
Stop giving me sleepless nights
Let me accept I've shades of grey
It's not all black and white 
Stop coming in my dreams
Stop showing me those gone days
It can't be so clear always
With time it has to get some haze
Stop making me feel guilty
For no fault of mine
I did not pretend to be someone else
I was like this by design
Stop making it so difficult
For me to survive
Only if I had that courage
To take that dive
Stop making me feel I have failed
In finding my one true love
That life will not make it easier
That the turf will always be rough


I've a million questions for you
But I would keep them to myself
I would kill my emotions right there
I'd let you play

I've had million expectations 
Which I know won't fulfill
I would spend time nights restless
There's no one who'd caress

I've a million tears
To flow away every night
I won't ask you to come and help me
I know I'd survive 

I know I'd catch some happy moments
In the life I'm gonna lead
But everytime someone talk about love
In red, my hearts gonna bleed

What did you want?

What did you want
I never understood 
Showing me you won't come for me
And still showing that you could

What did you want
You're a mystery I can't unfold 
Making me stretch out my hand
When you had no intention to hold

What did you want 
Giving me those midnight calls
Showing that you need me
When everything was false

What did you want
When you could forget me in few weeks
The wound that my heart has 
Even after years it leaks!!

My range!

Things are so meaningless
I don't have the words
When I look for the meaning
They just fly like birds

Things are inappropriate 
They don't have the worth
There's ocean of opportunities 
Fir me, there's derth 

Things are just unhealthy
And they don't seem to change
Whenever I gain power to shoot my troubles 
They go out of my range!

Wednesday 15 June 2016


Just because
It happened the other way
You feel she ain't right
Just because 
She did what she wanted to do
You feel she cannot decide
Just because 
You knew little more
You feel she is stupid
Just because 
She is a little soft hearted
You choose to be rigid
Just because
Life isn't fair
You feel it's because of her
Just because
She manages to smile
You feel her conscience isn't clear


I'm so scared of you
I don't know what to say
This fear is part of me
All night to all day

I'm so full of those shadows
I don't know which one is mine
I've lost my identity in one of these
Sometimes I find it over a glass of wine

I'm so incapable
To understand myself
Unless I know the problem
How can I even ask for help

I've so much pent up anger inside myself
I'm loosing my halo
When it will go off 
It will be a volcano

Monday 13 June 2016

कुछ ख़याल ऐसे ही...

आपके लिखे कुछ शब्द पढ़के ये सोचते हैं,
ये तेरे लिखे का कमाल है या मुझमे ये एहसास हमेशा से था।।

जानती हूँ मैं, तुझे मुझसे मोहब्बत नही
फिर भी तेरे इश्क़ की इबाबत पे मेरी मोहब्बत छलकती है।।

आज मेरे लिखे पे कोई जवाब नही आया,
या तो मैं लिखना भूल चुकी या उन्हे कोई और कद्रदान मिल गया।।

Friday 3 June 2016

Life, full of wonders

Let's get lost to a beautiful place,
Let's get away from this endless race
Life is a never ending struggle here,
I wish a place where sun is shining and skies are clear!

Let's get wet in the alluring rain,
Let's wash away all our pains,
Life is painful and messed up here,
I wish for a place where all this disappears!

Let's walk on the dewy green grass,
Let's make life's possibilities wider than vast,
Life is gray and constrained here,
I wish to feel the happiness that has become so rare!

Let's take a bath in the wavy sea,
Let's feel the water and be free,
Life is confined and insensitive here,
I wish to feel the love that has lost somewhere!

Let's climb to the snowy mountain,
Let's reach the place where there are elixirs' fountain,
Life isn't free and so dull here
I wish for a place where my soul I can bare

Let's build a house in lush meadow,
Let's feel the air on our skin and make our shadow
Life is a controlled and artificial here
I wish for a place where there is real atmosphere

Life is all about these small moments of joy,
Hold on to these and cheer to enjoy,
The water, the breeze, the mountain are all within your reach
Just open your arms and enjoy every mountain and beach!

Written with Ashish Bhardwaj 

Thursday 2 June 2016


तेरे एहसास से तनहा तो नहीं होती मैं कभी
पर फिर भी दिल सोचता है कि तू साथ होता तो कैसा होता।। 

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Endless bleed

With silence acquiescence she rose to her feet,
She felt light headed, or was it heat?
She had no choice to say yes or no,
She is just like a boat, which has to row!

She is a servant, who has to follow,
Whatever she pretends to be, her heart is hollow,
She is broken inside, living her life in discreet.
Is there an end to her endless bleed?

Shall she drown or someone will guide her to shore?
Take her in or show her the door?
She waits for someone to make her sit on his heart's throne
But in all those dreams, she finds herself alone...

~Written with Ashish Bharadwaj 

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Uncomplicating the complicated

And here i find myself again
Caught by the swirl of mistaken identities,
While I think I know the truth, I expect some more clarity!
Thoughts swirl in my mind, as i drift off to sleep
They come out from the corners of my brain where even i can't see!

Trading my righteousness for the gluttonous life, 
Where do I find happiness in that continuous strife
I continue my journey in this stormy sea
Never realised the whirling motion will capsize me

Caught in the hurricane I see my reflection 
What has become of me, I have this question
Is it the perception of my mind or just a rat race
Should I change myself to old me or live in this disgrace?

~Written with Ashish Bhardwaj

Monday 30 May 2016

O King!

Sitting here
In front of you
I ask you of your stories
I ask you of your life

How did you live here?
And how did you die?
Do you feel the same way
Like I feel here when I lie?

Did you see the clear skies?
Did you see the shady trees?
Did you enjoy the view up here?
With these yellow leaves

Did you want to relax here?
Or did you make war plans?
Did you sing to the music of nature
Or did you choose to dance?

I ask you O King! 
How did it feel
To live a life so big
To us, it doesn't even seem real!

बाग़ ए आलम

आज बाग़ ए आलम में 
चिड़ियों का बसेरा है
जहाँ तुमने रखे थे कभी क़दम
वहाँ एक अलग हे सवेरा है

आज बाग़ ए आलम में
इक सन्नाटा सा छाया है
जहाँ तुम आते जाते थे
वहाँ तेरा वजूद भी ना पाया है

आज बाग़ ए आलम में
कुछ टूटी सी इमारतें हैं
जहाँ ख़ुशबू ए गुलाब हवा में महकती हैं
वही हम अपनी शामें गुज़ारते हैं ।।

Sunday 29 May 2016

हर बरसात...

ना देखा तुमने 
ना छुआ 
ना साथ में भीगे 
उस बारिश में
पर फिर भी क्यूँ
हर बरसात तेरी याद ले आती है 
जैसे ये बारिश की हरेक बूँद
जब मुझे छूतीं हैं 
वो तेरा ही तो एहसास है
वो जो एक नशा है
पागलपन सा है 
इस बरसात में
वो तेरा ही नशा है
जैसे तू ही कही नाच रहा हो
इस बारिश में 
और मुझे भी खींच रहा हो
हर बार जैसे यही लगता है 
हर बरसात तेरी याद ले आती है 
हर बरसात 

यही वो पल हैं

वो सुहाना मौसम
जैसे तुम्हारी मुस्कुराहट 
वो तेज़ हवाएँ
जैसे तुम्हारे उड़ते बाल
वो बारिश
जैसे तुमने छू लिया हो
वो सौंधी सी ख़ुशबू 
जैसे गुज़रीं हो तुम क़रीब से 
यही वो पल हैं 
जो आज भी तेरी यादें ताज़ा कर देते हैं
यही वो पल हैं
यही वो पल हैं 

Friday 27 May 2016


तुम्हारी यादों को शब्दों में क़ैद कर लिया है 
जानते हैं एक दिन भूल ही जाएँगे तुम्हें
तब यही शब्द पढ़ेंगे एक मुस्कुराहट के साथ
की हमने भी किसीसे ऐसी पागल सी मोहब्बत की थी।।


There are many diversions
In life, we live in
Multiple tides are created
and out of those some we choose
Some are sad ones
some are happy
and so its difficult to take life
as it comes
We get swayed in the one
We feel more intensely about
We tend to become something else with the flow
Either it makes us nothing or creates a clout!

Combination of shayari...

तेरे शहर में सोने के भी जाने क्या मायने हैं
जहाँ आँखें बंद भी कर लें
पर सकूँ नहीं मिलता...।।

Arsalan Ahmad सो गयीं शहर की सारी सड़कें...
एक आवारा मगर बाकी है...

Pragya Jain तुम कहते तो ये अवारगी भी छोड़ देते,
पर ये कम्बख़्त पैर रूकने का नाम भी तो नहीं लेते

Arsalan Ahmad मुहब्बत को लाज़िम है आवारगी भी,
नहीं इश्क़ करता असर बैठे बैठे ।।।

Pragya Jain ये इश्क़ अपने साथ हमारी नींद भी ले गया
जो ये राते हम सड़कों पे गुज़ारने लगे
तो लोगों ने हमें नाम आवारा दे दिया ।।

Arsalan Ahmad Mai hu agar Aawaaraa to wajah hai husn tumhara...
Aisa hrgiz nhi tha mai tere didar se pehle..

Pragya Jain तू है अगर आवारा तो मैं क्या अलग हूँ?
तभी तो इस हुस्न ने तेरे इश्क़ की इबादत की है..।।

Arsalan Ahmad हुस्न की इश्क से जब जब बात होती है
महफिल में उनकी बात से हर बात होती है।
वह कहते रहे कोई बात नहीं हम दोनों में

पर उनकी कहानी से नई शुरूआत होती है।।

Pragya Jain उन आधी अधूरी कहानियो से
हम इतना डर चुके हैं कि
जब कहानी पूरी भी होने आई,

लफ़ज़ो ने ही दगा दे दिया!

Arsalan Ahmad na tujhko hui khabar, na zamana samajh saka...
hum chupke chupke tujhpe kai baar mar gaye...

Pragya Jain तेरे हर आह की मैने भी खबर रक्खी हैं
उस हर आह को आँसू से चुकाया है
Arsalan Ahmad Dil tod kar tumne to maaafi maang li,
Ye Batao Dil ke tukdon ka kya karun...

तेरा मिलना

तेरा रूप जो आँखों में बसाया था
तुझे जो अपने अस्तित्व में रमाया था
आज जो मिले हो तो हम पहचान नहीं पा रहे
क्या तुम बदल गए हो?
या हमने तुमने अपना भगवान बनाया था?

Wednesday 25 May 2016


तेरे वादे
तेरे उन वादों पे यक़ीन है 
इंतज़ार है 
तेरे लफ़्ज़ों की सच्चाई में
क़ुबूल है तेरी बेरुख़ी 
वादा है तुझसे 
तुझे ना छोड़ेंगे
ना भूलेंगे 
साथ देंगे तेरा 
मरते दम तक 
हमेशा हमेशा हमेशा... 


Rediscovered that happiness
I thought I lost
Rediscovered the child
I thought has died
Found that confidence
That can help conquer the world
and not worry about everything that happens
Around me
The lush green
and the waters
The never ending laughter
The tiredness but still the relaxation
That is precisely what mountains do to me
Make me realize who I am
and the truth they make me see!

Monday 9 May 2016

Just you

There were times 
When I used to wake up at night
To read and smile
And reply back

There was time
When I didn't feel tired
Of work or of sleeplessness 

There was a time
I would sing songs 
On the side of the roads
And rhyme my song
With the noise around

There was a time
I'd make aloo paranthas
And eat outside

There was a time
I was tired and happy
I loved what I had
In what I didn't have 
Because I had you
I'd just look at you
Just you!

Wednesday 27 April 2016

A hearth!

It's hard on my body
And I can't keep trying
This is not gonna work for long
It's only some time I'm buying

I get tired of feeling happy
I get tired of being hopeful
My face has to be happy
But my soul remains woeful 

But mother tells me it's the only way
That's the only solution to create my worth
I just have the deliver a boy
Whether I turn my body in a hearth!


I was angry
So i shouted
I didn't know what to do
My judgement was clouded

I was sad 
So I cried
It had reached the point 
Where nothing else I could have tried

I was upset 
So I went numb
Whatever thought came afterwards
In some black hole it was dumped 

I was guilty
So I pleaded
But I wasn't lucky enough
And my request wasn't heeded


I am broken into pieces
I gave you those pieces of me
In the best way possible
I had let them cut me
But gave you the softened pieces
They smelled of my pain
I washed them with the happiness I had
I gave you everything in pieces
But I gave you what I had
From the innermost parts of me
Where they hid
I offered my best to you
I swear I did!