Sunday 25 October 2015


I wish I could say 
Those things to you
Which would wake the pain
Which are also true

I wish I could do
Something for you
Which would make you happy
And not be blue

I wish I could feel 
What you have felt
How bravely you stood there
Alone, everything you dealt

I wish I could give
What you truly deserve 
I wish to keep it safe
In my hearts' reserve!

Thursday 22 October 2015

Here with me!

When you are here with me
And you are ready to be
Things are not what they are
Long past are the ages that were dark

When you are here with me
When you are ready to see
There is a hope around me
There is a feeling called glee

When you are here with me
When you are the root of this tree
When the relationship is weak
All the right answers you seek

When you are here with me
When you make more than we
When the language doesn't suffice
When my whole world you entice!

Tuesday 13 October 2015

You will find me

In between those old pages of the book
In the creaking doors of that old house
In the moving curtains hanging on the rods
In the light passing through them
You will find me

In the cover of the cracked jar
In the smell of the cooked fish
In stitches of the torn cushion covers
In the unmatched color of that thread
You will find me

In the roads going to the market
In the roads, the pits and puddles of mud
In the season of winters and rain
and on the souls of your chappal
You will find me

Sunday 11 October 2015


उसके दीदार में जैसे सदियाँ बीत गयी 
वक़्त ठहरा रहा
और हम भी रुकते से चलते से
उसके इंतज़ार में
कही वो क़ाफ़िला गुज़रा
तो हमने पलट के देखा
सोचा दो घड़ी निहार लें
वो तो चला ही जाएगा
खेलता, नाचता, खिलखिलाता 
एक बालक की तरह
उड़ता हुआ सा
और दो पल में ग़ायब
और फिर समय रुक सा गया
फिर यादें सन्न सीं
फिर लम्हा बीता सा
फिर तनहाइया पुकारती सीं।


While I thought
I'm compromising 
You've given me the love
That's mesmerising 

While I didn't know 
What is best
When you came to my life
You put all the doubts to rest!

While I thought
You ain't that good
You are the best my love,