Thursday 5 September 2013

Invitation to Third World War?

The Chemical Attack on Syrians which killed 1400 people including 400 children was one of the heinous act in the world history. I am not sure if Assad government was involved but obviously attack at such level cannot be done by some small group of un-influential people.
Then, there is Obama who wants to teach a lesson to Assad for doing what he did. He plans to launch some missiles which will do a lot of destruction if not equal to what chemical attack has done in terms of killing innocent people.
Some people who are autocrats and will do anything to retain their power will do anything to hurt their own people and we as an outsider would do nothing and just sit around and say its too bad, doing nothing. If Assad has really done it, he is not the first one. In the past, Saddam Hussein did similar thing and he kind of paid the price. 
I am really confused and I want to know the answers of two questions. 
We as outsiders, have UN , sanctions and rules for world peace but when something happens like this, can anyone do anything to help the local people?
So my confusion is whether we should take some action or not? Is Obama right in what he is doing? Launching an attack will make those who have done such thing, afraid that they just can't do whatever they want to and the world is watching. but what about those innocent people who will bear collateral damage?
Or Should we just keep quite, use sanctions and bad words to solve the problem?
Then, what is the confirmation that after this attack those people will actually be afraid of doing sch things in the future?
and my last concern, what if this becomes big? what if Syrian allies come to its rescue and US allies for its own and few non interested countries are dragged into it? 
What if we are looking at 3rd World War?

Thursday 18 July 2013

Adding women lawyers in Sexual Harassment Act - Is it enough?

Yesterday SC issued a law to protect women lawyers against the sexual harassment against their counterparts in courts. Though this is a welcome step, I don't understand one thing. Why do we have so many loopholes in existing laws so that every time a new things comes we decide on a new law!
Thankfully, not after so much delay after the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (“Sexual Harassment Act”) come into place on April 23, 2013, these regulations for women lawyers have been formalized. There have been cases where women lawyers could not take benefit of this law, as they do work at courts but courts are not their employers. I think the law itself should be changed based on workplace and co-workers.
The case of women lawyers came because there were several cases in the recent past on harassment of women lawyers. So, every time we realize we have missed some other sector as well, are we going to wait till there are changes in the law?
Is the woman who has already been harassed has to face more harassment by the hands of policemen and law because for them the law is not in place.
I think, we should seriously consider, all possible aspects and loopholes in the Act to save and empower thousand other women.

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Still Fighting

The recent developments in Egypt have been quite heartbreaking. Md. Morsi elected after an year of coup through democratic election process has been removed from his position and an interim govt. has been formed.
The issues have been many. The followers of Mubarak, Muslim brotherhood and Tamarod have been fighting. Most of the Egypt is secular there is a demand for a secular govt. but even after an year, things have not changed/improved.
The anger and frustration is more about jobs and policies which are pro-mass. Since Mubarak has been the leader, all the policies were pro-rich and money were in the hands of few people.
The people protested and Morsi was elected but he wasn't probably strong enough to replace policies. Then there is contention on Islamist or Secular state. The problems of Egypt seem never ending and people are trying so hard to solve it.
I always feel how hard it is to keep one motivated when we don't know where the end is, seeing our loved ones dying. Even after a good leader is elected whom everyone likes, there will still be a lot of work to be done for democracy to run successfully. Many generations will have to fight and struggle to make it work.
For now, lets hope that this fighting stops, A Secular-Muslim leader becomes the head with pro-mass policies to improve the economic, political and financial status of the country.

Monday 22 April 2013

Is Delhi becoming unsafe for women or its just an temporary phenomenon?

There has been lot of agitation and anger over the rape of 5 year old girl in NCR region, which is good actually because unless people stand for some cause there is absolutely no serious work done or action taken against it.
But one thing I want to point out. People are worried that National Capital is becoming unsafe day by day. The fact is if you take out the newspapers of last 3 years only, one will find cases reported on rapes in every age group in almost everyday's paper. but now that people have become aware and are fighting for this issue, newspapers are also reporting the same as headlines or on the front page.
Rapes are one of the most common crime around the world. It has nothing to do with India or any developing country.
If we take data from UN statistics, the rape cases reported are highest in US. Apart from this, if we look at the statistics of the age of victims, 44% of the girls raped were below 18 years of age (Source: RAINN). In light of all the statistics, people should stop worrying whether NCR has become more unsafe or not and work on strict punishments for rapists and rules for safety for women.