Sunday 31 August 2014


Our love has been beautiful
Somehow I messed it up
But can we start with a clean slate
Is it too late?

People have tried to be with me
They try hard to get me
But for me, you are my only mate
Is it too late?

I know I've been away
I know I hurt you
Is it me that you hate
Is it too late

True love stays with you forever
It's a part, you cannot separate
For you I can always wait
It is never too late

Friday 29 August 2014


I waited my life
for someone special
For someone who can understand me
I dated, not happy always mull

Then you came and made it beautiful
Although it wasn't meant to be
but I am still satisfied
Coz now I know the key

How every bad relationship made me more eager
For someone good, loving and respecting
Since I know you, I want to keep that for as long as possible
Coz it has been extremely satisfying

Thursday 28 August 2014

Taken my life

It is dark
The sun is sinking in the bosom of the earth
And I'm standing at the window
Looking for your shadow in the dark

As I've gone delirious
And my life is on pause since you left
My life is just waiting for you
Without you its dull and bereft

O my love! Shall I wait for you forever
Has your love for earth greater than mine
That you do not wish to come back
For it's easy to be a soldier than his wife!
Come back to me, for you have already taken my life!

Ever wish to be!

For you have changed me completely
Just with one touch of yours
For I was happy before I met you
But now I know what's being contented

O love! How shall I overcome this
What should I renounce to thank you
What you have done to myself
To my identity
Coz its not me anymore

I'm somebody I wanted to be
I'm somebody I was always jealous of
For your love has given me all
That I could ever wish to be!

Unexpressed expression

The calming sound of crickets
The chirping of birds
The roar of the wind
And the soothing sound of rain

In the middle of that garden
Where life takes a different meaning
Where life is more lively
Where dreams too, are dreaming

Where nature takes over
Where beauty takes control
Where worship is possible in every breath
Where world stands still

This is what my heart yearns for
For it is not what I can create
Coz I already know I'm a part of it
For this is where I've to assimilate

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Reality or Myth

How is it when you lose everything for somebody
Your identity.. your everything
what is the purpose of life
Does it feel alright

When is it you feel complete
What is it that makes you somebody
Do you need diversions from the inside
or you need to get more into the reality

Why is it the more you look inside its all dark
Like something is just gonna fall apart
It wasn't like this from the start
Its like destiny has conspired to thwart

What is reality what's myth
Is it a mountain or is it a pit
Its something you have to live with
Till you find way and your soul is lit

एक सुहानी शाम

एक सुहानी शाम
वो सुबह का सूरज
वो शाम के बादल
वो सिमटता हुआ आसमान
वो रात के आँचल में छुपता चाँद
वो सर्दी का मौसम
वो ठंडी हवायें
वो गर्म शॉल
चाय का कप
और तुम्हारे खत्त..!!

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Long Gone!

It was long back since I know you
Days became weeks and weeks, months
It was a distant past in which we created memories
and now it is long gone to come back again

The long conversations on life
and the arguments on existence
That praise of nature together
and the discussions on literature
but now it is long gone to come back again

That exchange of songs
Dedicating the music
Finding the perfect lyric for the moment
and singing it endlessly
but now it is long gone to come back again

Birding and guitar as your hobby
and simplicity of your nature
Clarity of your thoughts
Creating a beautiful atmosphere
All this and much more... in vein
Coz now it is long gone to come back again

Robin Williams - RIP

You were one of the few people who made me laugh
I always admired you and loved your work
Billions of people loved you across the world
Who knows what made you sad under what murk

One of the first work I saw yours was Mrs. Doubtfire
Since then I always appreciated whatever you did
and now you are not with us
I want to believe the circumstances must be dire

It's sad how people leave this world
but the saddest is when they choose to leave
They take decision based on some circumstances
and leave thousands of souls to grieve

Monday 11 August 2014


We have been there for each other
and I was wrong to let you go
All that love you poured in my heart
I want to give back, please let me show

Now that I know I can't reach you
I remember all the times you were there for me
and the chances you gave me I always blew
and you forgave me, your heart as big as sea

I wish we could be together
and Its my way of reaching out to you
Come to me and make me yours
and it will be start of something new!


Do you remember the last winter
It was the first time when you held my hand
On the steps of that fort
where we liked to stand

When the sun was shining bright
And on your face my earring was reflecting light
Birds were chirping but it was still quite
and you reached out for my hand and held it tight

Walking back outside
I lost one earring on my way
Those were my favorites
and loosing them ruined my day

Later, in your bag, i saw
My earring was there in a silk pouch
What was the conclusion I could draw
You've stoten it, there's no doubt

You came there and saw me angry
There was a mischievous look on your face
and you said, wait, let me make you see
When I miss you alot, It's what I will embrace!


कभी कभी ये मन खोया रहता है
उन यादो मे जो अतीत का हिस्सा थी
जो बनी है जीवन के हर पल मे
कभी भोर में कभी निशा में

यादो मे जीना का अपना आनंद है
जैसे उन समेटे टुकड़ो पे अब भी अपना हक़ है
ये यादे ही तो हैं जो मेरी अपनी है
जो मैने हमेशा अपने पास रखनी हैं

ये यादे एक चलचित्र की तरह है
जिन्हे जब चाहो अपने पलको पे दौड़ा सकते हैं
जिसका हिस्सा आप खुद हो
और जिस आनंद का प्रमाण तब मिलता है
जब आँखो से ये नीर बह जाते हैं

Friday 8 August 2014


The ego came between them
The harsh words were exchanged
The words were said that he condemns
and he felt they were estranged

And when the anger subsided
He saw that they share the tears
They are same no matter whose eyes are they in
and then.. he decided to forgive him!

The Memories - मेरी यादें

My life revolves around you
Those never ending conversations
The places where we went
Those songs together we sang

The names that we called each other with
or the words that we used to name others
The season of monsoon
when we drenched ourselves under amber

Those memories which make me sad yesterday
are cherished today!
They are my existence, my happiness
and my life!

मेरी दुनियाँ सिमट सी गयी है कही तुझमे
उन अनगिनत बातों में
उन जगहों में जहाँ हम गये थे
उन गीतों में जो साथ गाये थे

उन नामों में जो एक दूसरे को दिये थे
या वो नाम जो औरों को दिये
उस मौसम के उस सावन में
जहाँ साथ में भीगे थे

ये यादें जो कल तड़पाती थी
आज मेरा अस्तित्व हैं
मेरे उल्लास का कारण
मेरा जीवन हैं

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Israel Palestine Conflict - Views from both sides

I have been reading and hearing about Israel Palestine conflict for many years now and I always wondered why is it happening and when will it end. I have tried to summarize the point of views of both the parties and I haven't at any point tried to make a judgment about who is right and wrong. This article is only informational. I am jotting down various information that I came across from both sides. but first some facts:
1. Before all this happened, hundreds of years ago, the land today called Israel - Palestine - all Muslims, Christians and Jews lived in harmony there.
2. According to what is written in Bible and Quran, the land is Holy for all the communities i.e. Jerusalem.
3. Earlier a lot of Jews used to live in Europe and the pre WW - II Jewish population in Europe is estimated to be 9-11 million. On Hitler's command, around 6 million Jewish people were killed during the massacre called Holocaust which forced all the Jewish population to leave Europe and move to some other country.
4. Because of religious sentiments attached to the Holy land and ancestral connections, the European Jews to escape from prosecution and to establish their own state moved to this land under the movement called Zionism.
5. Since then, there have been wars, fights, attacks, killings to decide whose land it really is.
Now the other information from internet/ news articles and lectures from various academicians which I am jotting down:
1. Arab Palestinians claim this land to be their own as it is they, who have been staying here ever since and Jews are just migrants who came from Europe after Holocaust and were a minority before. Before Holocaust, they say the number of Christians plus Jews was less than 20%.
2. Jews, also claim this land referring to Jewish - Roman war, prior to which the land was predominantly Jewish. Also, on the religious sentiment that Bible mentions that land was given to Jews by God himself.
3. Arab Palestinians say that it has always been their land and is occupied by Jews and illegally named as Israel, the state for Jews and Arab Palestinians have been dragged out of their own land.
4. Jews claim that they are ready to share the land with Arab Palestinians and history has shown that a 2 state solution has been offered by many parties including Britishers and UN but was never accepted by Arab Muslims/ Hamas/ Arab nations (I don't know what really to say here because I don't want to generalise).
5. The occupying of West Bank and Gaza by Israelis after the 6 day war (in which Arab nations who planned to attack Israel from all side got defeated by Israel in 6 day war after which Israel took control of Gaza, West Bank and some part of Egypt which it returned later) has been referred by Israelis as their only way to save themselves as leaving them with Egypt and Lebanon would have given these countries easy access to attack Israel again and again.
6. Palestinians claim that as violating International Law where the small land available to them was also occupied by Israel. Although it withdrew from Gaza in 2005 but because Gaza is still surrounded by Israeli forces from all directions, this region is sometimes called 'open air prison'.
7. The problem of Palestinian refugees - The refugees from Israeli state who are Palestinians and now are refugees seem to have nowhere to go. The Israelis claim that if they take all the refugees into their land, Jews will become minority and later it can again turn into a internal war situation. The Arabs claim that this land is rightfully of these refugees and should be given to them. The refugees have also been staying in all the neighbouring countries of Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. It has also been claimed by some that Arab countries intentionally do not want to give citizenship to these refugees because they want to create pressure using the high number of refugees created by Israel.

The problem seems too old and never ending and the victims to all this are, the innocent civilians of both Israel and Palestine and some neighbouring nations as well. I wish and hope peace for the region.

Monday 4 August 2014

Marital Bliss

Everything should be perfect,
That's what you always say
Try and try hard
If I ever possibly may!

You always had this rulebook
On how it should be
How I can be perfect
and how I can be your goodie

I have been trying
and I followed your rules
but as they rightly say
Not using your own brain is only for fools

I have been humiliated and was blamed
As if I was a property which you claimed
Now I shout, scream and can't bear all this
I break you free from your so called "marital bliss"


उस कठोर चेहरे के पीछे
हृदय तुम्हारा देखा है
प्रेम भरा है इतना उसमें
जिसकी ना कोइ सीमा है

सागर से इस मुख के पीछे
ये कैसा तूफ़ान है
अंदर लेहरें उठती चढती
बाहर लगता शांत हैं

आओ ना बतलाओ मुझको
कैसी ये परछाई में
क्या है ये अंतर मे तेरे
कैसी ये तन्हाई है

जानू ना मैं कैसे तेरा
प्यार असीम पाया है
पुलकित हूँ इस प्रेम तरंग में
तू ही तू बस छाया है

Anything Anymore!

You were good to me
and we were friends
I wasn't in love with you
and you wanted to hold my hand

We were good and we were happy
and I don't know where this love come from
I didn't want to turn you down
But also, didn't want more

I was afraid I will loose a friend
and I said yes
but it was all my fault
and I did lose you

Things changed
We were not what we used to be
and I am sorry I am saying this now
but we can't be anything anymore!

Friday 1 August 2014


सागर गहरा है विशाल है
जल से परिपूर्ण है
पर क्या यह तृप्त है
संतुष्ट है?

फैला है चहु दिशाओ में
किया है स्पर्श इस धरती को
नादिया भी आती है
दौड़ती भागती
धरती का कोनो को छुते हुए
सागर से मिलने

किन्तु सागर अचल है
मिलता है नादिया से
दिखता शांत है..पर क्या सच में?
क्या अंदर इक तूफान है?

हे सागर क्या है तेरी गहराईयो में
उन अंधेरो में
ना जाने वहाँ जीवन है या नही
या है सूनेपन का सन्नाटा