Wednesday 30 September 2015


There are some feelings you just can't write about. A look at an old pictures and remembrance of other pictures clicked and the memories associated with it. The surprise that your heart feels by thinking about those memories. As if the string of words play with the music of the places visited to sing the song of the memory. The music was beautiful and so were the words. The song didn't turn out to be hit one. It was played over for few years until it was shelved in the records. The records remain for as long as you want to keep them safe. You don't have to put in extra effort to keep them safe. Just put them in a reachable shelf and play them again and again. Sometimes you are tired of the song as it makes you sad. The raga of emotions do that to you. but you are so habitual of the song that you still play it. Unless there is some new record which touches the strings of your brain and heart and then it's up to you which one do you like better. You may still like both the tracks but choose.. One has to make a choice!

Sleepless nights

Those sleepless nights
When you know there is nothing
Which can be solved
When there is everything 
On your mind
Every minuscule 
Unimportant thing

Those sleepless nights
When you are not sleepy
Because you don't see 
The need for sleep
Or your brain to occupied 
Even to sleep

Those sleepless nights
When you wonder
What is wrong with own self
Or what's not wrong
With you!

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Some questions

What do you expect me to do
Do you expect me
To take a route 
Whether or not it suits

How do you expect me to be the same
When everything around me is so lame
I don't understand a thing I feel
I don't know with what I deal

Why do you need to prove 
It's not a mountain too difficult to move
It's as easy as flow of river
It's not something that you have to deliver 

What do you need from me
There is nothing that I can guarantee 
My souls wants to fly away too far
It's not meant to survive a war!

जब तू नहीं था......

जब तू नहीं था 
तो भी तो ज़िंदगी 
चलती थी
फिर पता नहीं क्यूँ 
तेरे जाने से 
ज़िंदगी रुक सी गयी 

जब तू नहीं था 
तब भी तो हँसते 
थे फ़ूल
अब ना जाने क्यूँ 
तेरे जाने से 
बाग़ीचा सूना सूना सा है 

जब तू नहीं था
तब भी तो चल रहे थे हम
अब ना जाने क्यूँ
तेरे जाने से 
ये क़दम ठहरे से हैं

जब तू नहीं था 
तब भी तो लिख रहे थे हम
अब तेरे जाने के बाद
इन पंक्तियो में 
दर्द सा क्यूँ हैं?

For me?

Can I ask you something?
Will you ever take an extra mile for me?
If it comes to that?
Will you hesitate to bear something vile for me?

Monday 28 September 2015


Yes, it is a personal diary
Then why can't it be true
When I pour my emotions before your eyes
Isn't it easier for you to feel it too?

Yes, this writing is ME
This is what I actually feel
I express it using the keyboard
If there is something I am not able to deal

Friday 25 September 2015


There was a time
I thought I saw it all
I have bloodied myself
When I hit it against the wall

There was a time
I thought I can't take it anymore
There is an endless pit
Behind this last door

But life challenges you every time 
When you think this is your limit 
There is still boundless cash
That one needs to remit!


Its easier to forget
It's easier to close your eyes
It's easier to be the person
It's easy to be too nice

It's easier to postpone the thinking
It's easier to stare the wall
It's easier to let it happen
It's easier to continue to fall

It's tough to accept the truth
It's difficult to accept it will happen
It's impossible to go through it
It's difficult to survive broken!

Wednesday 23 September 2015


I stare at the end of my braids
While I look at the split ends
And that feeling too fades

I maximise the volume of the music
While I feel the beats on my ear drums
I remain in senses and still loose it

I feel the warmth of the sun
While I decide what is wrong
My skin, I let it burn!


Love is so strong
To be seen by real eyes
While I feel it thoroughly 
With time it will only rise

Love is a feeling
That you feel inside of you
It can't be anything but love
Only if it's true

Love is the destination 
Of otherwise meaningless world
It is a journey
That can't be explained in words!

Born to please?

While I lie today
These words dance before me
Who am I to myself and the loved ones ?
Who has chained me and who's setting me free?

Before taking a nap
These thoughts made a queue
Am I sitting here watching this
Just because I like the view?

Before a goodnight's sleep
My memories go back to centuries 
In my present incarnation 
Who am I born to please?

Endless wait

Day by day
Hour by hour
That wait when the day starts
Till it's late and dark 

Endlessly and hopefully 
I waited for that call
Even if it's not too long
Even if it's short and.. small

While I needed the support 
the call never came
When will we realize the importance of life?
And stop playing those games!


While I thought
I am independent
I don't need anyone's help
When my emotions I need to vent

All my life I have been like this
It made me stronger, made me tough
I thought I am getting better
Didn't know, in the process my emotions I'm gonna cuff

While all this time I thought
I am improving my mental flow
I was getting run over
By my own stupid ego!

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Love purgatory

Possibly I am too,
In a place called love purgatory
Where I am stuck
I have moved away from what my earth has been
And I have not yet reached my heaven
Almost impossible to move on
Even when you tell yourself
It's how one should move on
It's not that you haven't done it before
and every time it was so easy to keep the score
If I can move away from it
I will move away from my own self
But I will one day move to my heaven
Then I will be a peace, I reckon!

Monday 21 September 2015

Half sunk boat

They say
If something is too good
To be true
It isn't real
Let's believe it
To be untrue
Let's say
It wasn't the real you 
Can I believe 
Everything you did was fake?
You did everything 
Not for love's sake?
The words you said
The love you showed
Was nothing but 
A half sunk boat?

A song

While I thought 
I can forget you
Like I forgot 
Everyone else
It is not difficult for me
I am stronger than anyone can be
And you proved me wrong
You ask for proof?
Hah! I am still writing you a song!!


I wanted to change
I wanted to become something
When I lost everything
There are changes I want to bring

I want to be free
From all the shackles
I have made it worse
Fighting life like a battle

I want to let it go
I want to go with the flow
I know I am living a mono-colored life
When it can offer a rainbow!

Saturday 19 September 2015

Turkish songs

Once I asked him
I needed something
He said tell me right away
Let me go and bring

I said I want to listen
To Turkish music 
There are millions available 
And I don't know which ones to pick

He said it's okay
We will find something out
Listen to something else for now
There is another song I wanna tell you about

The next day he came to me
With a folder named Turkish music for J
Said I listened to all songs available all night and chose for you
Wanting to play the songs he asked - "If I may?"

I looked at him with love in my eyes
I couldn't believe just my wish meant this to him 
I listened to all songs as his dedication to me
Don't know if I am loosing to him or he is letting me win!


There is a world
We called paradise
What we cannot understand here
We believe we will there become wise

Where we believe 
All our worries will go away
Where there will be brightness
Never a night but always a day

Where we think
We will have all what we want
Or we will like what we have
Just our blessings we'd count 

There is a place
We call heaven 
Where all our goods and bads
Will be made even!

Wiggling thoughts

What i need
What I don't 
What I am running after
What I actually want 

Who I want to believe 
Who I want to trust 
What I cannot have
And what I must 

What is easy to me
And what seems impossible 
My thoughts are stable at one point
But most of the times they wiggle!

Friday 18 September 2015

My soul mate

There are days
Which won't return 
While I am happy from outside
Inside my heart, there are thousand burns

While you touched
Every chord of my heart
The shards that hurt it
They just fell apart 

While I know it was best
I still do not wait
Even when I die i will know 
You are my soul mate

Role playing

There are things 
That entice me
And make me go crazy
While I pretend to be someone else
Because I find that character powerful 
Slowly I realized who I am
What I stand for
And while in my role playing
I was given a character
I soon realized its not me
It is I who is blind
It is I who cannot see
For the acts, my character should be happy 
I, in my heart, feel sad and just angry!


When we say sorry
What do we mean?
Do we want to finish the matter?
Or realise the same act we shouldn't repeat

When we say sorry
Are we tired of the argument?
Are we aware of our doing?
Are we aware at times, we too have to bend?

When we say sorry
Is it out of respect for the other person?
Or we just it to procrastinate the storm
Without realising things may worsen!!

Thursday 17 September 2015


I feel lost in this world
In the race to win
I still am a part of it
I still put things in my bin

There is concrete
There is wood
This is major part of my world
Where I feel bad at times and at times good

I look around and I see nothing
People sitting everywhere
Looking at their screens
That is what we came for?
That is what we need?

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Seeking approvals

We are all seeking approvals 
One way or other
From someone special 
Or the world 
The approval of beauty
Of intelligence 
Of wisdom
Or smartness
We need to feel that false satisfaction 
From someone else's words
For we are not complete from inside
For we have some kind of emptiness
We go to long depths
To prove those criteria
More than what we are
We pretend
We are all seeking approvals 
One way or other!!


Maybe I wanted an approval
From someone like you 
While I think highly of you
I wanted someone to confirm
That I can be thought of highly too

Maybe that's why I came to you
Felt glad with the acceptance and love
For I had no belief in myself
In the fact that I am capable of giving and having love

And you come and changed many things
And suddenly I realised the approval is missing
Since when I don't know, 
For I had believed in the approval mistakenly

Now I don't what I mean to you
And what you mean to me
Was I right in seeking false approvals?
Were you right in falling for me?


In conversations that won't lead anywhere

Spent luxuriously
With thinking much

are costly
Coz they involve time as well

Cannot be used in this way
Save them, keep them


मैं तो खुश था अपनी ज़िंदगी में
कुछ ना चाहा था तुमसे
जी रहे थे जैसे जीना चाहिए
कर रहे थे वो सभी कुछ जो जीने के लिए चाहिए
तुम जब आए
तुम्हारी ज़रूरत ना थी
चल सी रही थी ज़िंदगी
कोई कमी ना थी
फिर सिलसिला शुरू हुआ
उन बातो का
कभी थमती और कभी रुकती सी
मैने क्या चाहा तुमसे
सही है या ग़लत
ये जानू ना
फिर तुमने ही थामा मेरा हाथ
और कहा चलो हूँ मैं तुम्हारे साथ
चलूँगा और रहूँगा हमेशा
और मैं भी चल पड़ी
ना सोचा ना समझा ना पूछा कुछ भी
फिर तुमने ही कहा
तुम कहो अपने दिल की बात मुझसे
खोलो अपने जज़्बात मेरे सामने
और मैने भी कुछ ना सोचा
और अब मैं ना खुद को जानू
ना तुमको
ना अपने जज़्बातो को
ना तुम्हारे
ज़िंदगी एक संघर्ष की तरह बन गयी
जिसका ना कोई अंत है ना कोई मंज़िल|


Why do you say?
We still have hope
Why do you say?
Don't leave, keep holding this rope!

Why do you say?
When you don't mean it
Once something happens
You get charged the next minute

Why do you say?
We will work on it
You promise thing will be better
You say "I am here for you, darling!"

Average human

And he asked her "why would she say so?" and she had no answer. That was the same thing she was explaining him for quite sometime. The last night's conversation where she had poured her heart out didn't change anything between them. How she had wanted to make things better... She waited, took a deep breath and again calmed herself. She tried to tell herself, this shall pass too. She wanted to believe in things and people, that it will work out. That things will change for better. Alas! how they have remained same... The things that she would say to make things better, she probably said in a wrong way. She lost her temper after 3 days. How she had believed that she has trained her mind not to get affected by these things because these things are silly and temporary and then she again comes at the conclusion "I am just an average human being"!


He gave her the reassurances
Time and again
She waited and listened
Wanting to believe him
She wanted to feel loved
and be happy
She couldn't get through him
He couldn't get through her
She would focus on other things
He would focus on other
and then the time came
when they became
indifferent towards each other!

Saturday 12 September 2015


I wish to be smarter
And not in the stupid regular stuff
Where I just think about pity things
Where I can't handle ruff

I am just at the lowest stage of evolution 
I know you know it too
When you need to evolve in the process
I am not letting you pull through

I don't even know if I should try to change
Or be what I have never been
Sometimes I just want to change everything about me
Be rude, arrogant and mean!


I am sorry to disappoint 
I am sorry for not being what you thought
I am sorry for not being up there
I am sorry for not being well wrought

I know you thought of me highly
And now you know I am the same
I know you still love me
Even though all you efforts go to vain

I wish I could be someone better
But I know I am failing miserably 
You are bearing all the things I put you through
And all my eccentricities!


How could I say
What I needed
When all the emotions seemed useless
When everything was weeded

How could I express
What it is to be me
When things were named unreal 
With tainted glass they were seen 

How did I feel
With what all happened 
I was just another regular person 
What I say are some regular reactions


I am a woman
I am not a man
I have a brain of myself
I have my own hands

I am a woman
I need few things from you
They may sound too stupid
They may be too much than few

I am a woman
You want me to be like you
I can only become cold if you wish
But that me, will not be true

Hypocrites crown

Why do I need to love
Why do I need to understand
Why can't I fly anymore
Why do I need the land

Why do I wish to sit
And still need to fly
They say I think too much
Mulling over  what, how and why?

And then comes a time
When I just relax and lie down
I still get the blame
I still get hypocrite's crown!

Friday 11 September 2015


Her hair are flowing
In the air
And it smells of roses

And I wait her to come.
Walking towards me;
In the white dress,
she is wearing 
She asks me the same question 
How do I look?

My answer too remains the same
You are the most beautiful girl on the earth
She turns her head and gives me a smile from the side of her lips
I look at her... That's all I wish!


When I need to know
What it means to be you
What it means to be false in love
And what it means to be true

When I need to know
What it means to be me
What is there to hide
What is there to see

When I need to know
What it means to be us
What it means to build a castle in love
What it means to be dust

I found you standing there
Shining bright light on those themes
I looked at you in awe
As if you belong to some other realm!

Tests of life

While I thought 
It's meant to be forever 
The more I got to know you
The more staying with you, seemed clever

While I thought 
The love is here to stay
For best things in life
It's going to pave way

While I thought 
We will love till we die together 
It was the love that couldn't survive 
The tests of life and it's harsh weather! 


The words are said
and sometimes left unsaid
You worry too much
and hold your tongue

Then ego creeps in
and the poison is spilled over
You talk about everything
Without looking for answers

And love doesn't know what to do
Rationality takes over
You know what is be done
With those words and anger!

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Just fudge

When the words cannot describe 
What I need to say
When whatever I say to you
Passes through the water like a ray

When I tell you I need you
You think I am too needy
When I need your love for me
That's the thing for which I am greedy

When I say in sorry for my behaviour
You think I'm holding a grudge
I don't know if one should love for real
Or to be happy and just fudge!

Thursday 3 September 2015


I know what I have been to you
Was not what you meant to me
But that doesn't have to be true
Coz that isn't necessary

I feel jealous of anyone
Who still has you
Or of that someone
Who will one day have you
Why can't it be me
Why can't it be us

I know the world is moving fast
At its own pace
And you don't need me to win
This ugly or beatiful race

I know the feelings keep on changing
And so is their intensity
The love may die once and for all
Giving me or taking away all the clarity

Can't be replaced

The things that I find out about you
And things that I don't 
Things that you might know about me
And things that you still.... Don't 

You think you know me well
You think you have seen my love
You think things always come to an end
And I know too, everyone moves on

But there are some broken pieces
Which can't be put together
There are some pains
Which can't be treated
There are some words 
That can't be spoken 
With the same intensity
and there are some people
Who can't be replaced


There are things that remind me of you
Things that I like, things that I don't
There are memories I have with you
Some easy to forget, some just won't

There are parallel worlds that are running
Worlds in which we are together
Worlds where we are flourishing
Where things are good, soil to weather

The heart of yours that I always miss
Your innocent smile that I would love to see
Even today knowing you are not with me anymore
Thinking about it only makes me glee