Sunday 12 October 2014

The gossip lovers

People are looking for cheap gossip. Something that satisfies their tongues. They may pretend to be your friend but all they are looking for is juicy stuff. Sometimes you also believe in them, their stories only to later realise you've been a fool. They hardly care and then they also blame you for not being open to them. They may not use it against you but it's something they need to satify in their brain some part of brain left or right who knows?
Unless you answer they keep pushing and digging to get some dirt in their hands that they can use to build palaces of words. These palaces are also temporary for none is interested in others pain and misery for long. These words are ice bricks and such palaces melt every time they are shared with one more person. Even they loose to desire to share it anymore and then they hunt for other misery or pain!

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