Thursday 27 February 2014

Mahindra's Innovation Bounty - A thumbs up!

Today newspaper mentioned A. Mahindra throwing a challenge to solve two problems in India on traffic stress and electricity shortages. Anyone who can come up with an innovative idea to develop a driver-less car and solar power kit and he is going to pay $1 million to the winner.
India has a lot of talent. In almost all such challenges by Facebook wherein one was supposed to find out bugs in their program, it was an Indian who won most of it but somehow due to lack of opportunities or lack of relevant degrees some bright minds are not able to be part of mainstream. Then, there is an issue of less investments in R&D in India. An initiative by a private organisation on such an important issue is a welcome step.
I think by now all the bright minds must have started using their minds and would come up with so many innovative ideas. I am more excited of such idea being put up and use of Indian brains for Indian use. I hope that more of it will come in the future and we will be able to solve some more of our country's problem with our bright brains and technology.

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